Cry Out and Shout thou Inhabitant of Zion [Complete Hymn with Lyrics]

The hymn entitled ‘Cry Out and Shout thou Inhabitant of Zion‘ is one of the hymns used in Christian communities during worship. Catholic faithful use this hymn as Entrance Hymns for the Mass and other liturgical celebrations. You will find below the lyrics of this hymn.

Cry Out and Shout thou Inhabitant of Zion

Cry Out and Shout thou Inhabitant of Zion Lyrics (Key D34)

Cry out and shout, thou inhabitants of Zion,
Cry out and shout, thou in habitants of Zion ,

For great is the Holy One, for great is the Holy One,

For great is the Holy One in the midst of thee.

Beautiful for situation, Zion is Zion, Zion is Zion, joy of the earth, Beautiful oh (Zion)

Beautiful is Zion, beautiful is Zion the joy of the earth,

Walk about Zion and go around about her;

tell her towers, tell her towers;

mark well her bulwarks, consider her palaces;

tell it to the generations following thee. DS.

Cry out and shout, cry out and shout;

cry out and shout, cry out and shout;

cry out and shout thou inhabitants of Zion, for great is the Holy One in the midst of thee.
Cry out and shout great is the Holy One in the midst of thee;

great is the Holy One in the midst of thee.

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