Priestly People, Kingly People [Complete Hymn with Lyrics]

The hymn entitled ‘Priestly People‘ is one of the popular hymns used in Christian communities during worship. Catholic faithful use this hymn as Entrance Hymns for the Mass and other liturgical celebrations. You will find below the lyrics of this hymn.

Priestly People Lyrics (Key Bb)

Priestly people, Kingly people,

Holy people;

God’s chosen people,

sing praise to the Lord.

1. We sing to You, O Christ, beloved Son of the Father,

We give You praise,

O Wisdom everlasting and Word of God.

2. We sing to You, O Son born of Mary the Virgin,

We give You praise,

Our Brother, born to heal us our saving Lord.

3. We sing to You, O brightness of splendour and glory.

We give You praise,

O Morning Star, announcing the coming day.

4. We sing to You, O Light bringing men out of darkness,

We give You praise,

O guiding Light who shows us the way to heaven.

5. We sing to You, Messiah foretold by the prophets,

We give You praise,

O Son of David and Son Abraham.

6. We sing to You, Messiah the hope of the people,

We give You praise,

O Christ, our Lord and King, humble of Heart.

7. We sing to You, the Way to the Father in heaven,

We give You praise,

the Way of Truth and Way of all grace and light.

8. We sing to You, O priest of the new dispensation,

We give You praise,

our peace and sealed by the Blood of the Sacrifice.

9. We sing to You, O Lamb put to death for the sinner,

We give You praise,

O Victim immolated for all mankind.

10. We sing to you, the tabernacle made by the Father,

We give you praise,

the Cornerstone and Saviour of Israel.

11. We sing to You, The Shepherd who leads to the Kingdom,

We give You praise,

Who gathers all your sheep in the one true fold.

12. We sing to You, O Fount, Overflowing with mercy,

We give You praise,

Who give us living water to quench our thirst.

13. We sing to You, True Vine, planted by God our father,

We give You praise,

O blessed Vine, branches bear fruit in love.

14. We sing to You, O Manna which God gives His people,

We give You praise,

O living Bread, which comes down to us from Heaven.

15. We sing to You, the Image of the Father Eternal,

We give You praise,

O King of Justice, Lord, and the King of peace.

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