This is the presentation of the Saint of the day for March 30, Saint John Climacus, Abbot by Catholic Lectionary.

Saint of the Day for March 30, St John Climacus

Life of Saint John Climacus

O Christian Soul, today we have before us the holy Abbot, St John Climacus. He was a seventh century monk. He came to the monastery and became a novice when he was about 16 years old, and when he died in the year 649, he was the monastery’s Abbot.

He was a man of prayer and daily he meditated on the goodness of God which he read from his bible. A lot of monks and lay people drew close to him in order to ask for his prayers and also to learn the secrets of holiness from him.

St John wrote a book called ‘THE LADDER’ and in it he spoke about holiness of life and of repentance saying: “Just as fire burns and destroys the wood, so pure tears wash away every impurity, both external and internal”.

Something happened in his life to show how powerful and efficacious his prayers were before God. One day, this holy abbot ordered one of his disciples named Moses to bring dung to fertilize the vegetable garden.

In obedience, Moses carried out this order, but on his way home, he stopped for a while to rest under the shade of a large rock, because of the scorching heat of the sun.

St John was at the monastery having a light sleep inside his cell. Suddenly, a man of remarkable appearance appeared to him and awakened him, reproaching him, “John, why do you sleep so heedlessly, when Moses is in danger?”

St John immediately woke up and began to pray for his disciple. When Moses returned in the evening, the abbot asked whether any sort of misfortune had befallen him, and the monk replied, “A large rock would have fallen on me as I slept beneath it at noon, but I left that place because I heard you calling me”.


O Christian Soul, do you believed that the Lord watches over your coming and going, both now and forever more? He does, for he said so in Psalm 121.

Please, do pray always and unceasingly. Pray for yourself, your family members, your friends, relations, acquaintances, co-workers, for you do not know how many souls you save every moment by your prayers. You do not know how powerful and efficacious your prayers are before God.

Call for Meditation

‘A man of prayer is capable of everything’ [St Vincent de Paul].

This day Jesus, Man of prayer, teach me how to pray and never lose heart; and when I pray O Lord, please, hear me. Amen.

Having gone through this piece about saint of the day for March 30, Saint John Climacus; make effort O Christian soul to amend your life. Peace of Christ be with you.

Saint of the Day for March 29

Saint of the Day for March 31

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