Come to the Springs of Living Water [Complete Hymn with Lyrics]

The hymn entitled ‘Come to the Springs of Living Water‘ is one of the hymns used in Christian communities during worship. Catholic faithful use this hymn as Entrance Hymns for the Mass and other liturgical celebrations. You will find below the lyrics of this hymn.

Come to the Springs of Living Water

Come to the Springs of Living Water Lyrics



Come to the Springs of living water.

Flowing from the heart of God.

r:-/t:-/d’:-/-:-// /s.s,s:s.s/ l.l:l.l/ t.t:t.t/ d’:-/d’.d’, d’:d’.d’/r’.r’:-.t/ d’:-/-:-/d’:d’.d’/l:-/t.t:t.t/t.r:d’.t/d’:-//

1. Come from the distant valley to the mountain of the Lord.

Come from the far-off Islands to God.

Nations arise cast the clouds of darkness from your eyes.

2. Come with your precious ointment to the mountain of the Lord.

Come with your humble offerings to God.

Come to Him now. Hasten to pay Him your vows.

3. Come with guitars and cymbals to the mountain of the Lord.

Come with your music singing to God.

Lift up your voice. Ours is the God of Jacob, rejoice.

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